Welcome to Cary Pro Painting!
Thank you
for visiting our website. Due to personal / family
priorities at this time, we have placed our painting
services on hold. We will update the website as soon as
these matters are resolved. |
Hire Us?
We listen!
We ask questions, listen to your
concerns, suggest options, then work with you to determine the best course of action.
We do the restoration ourselves. We do
hire laborers or sub-contractors.
We do the job right the
first time. The
old cliche' is still true: Time is money. Callbacks occur when
proper procedures are skipped (for example, the old color shows through because a
primer or second coat wasn't applied). Callbacks cause frustration as
well as interruptions to everyone's schedules. A mediocre job costs
everyone time and money.
If these are the kinds of services that
you're looking for, please contact us to
arrange for an introduction and a free estimate!
We'll listen to your concerns,
discuss alternatives, and formulate a plan to move ahead with!